Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Words From The Heart Of A True Artist

While most bands struggle and fight to get signed by a major label, Boyce Avenue has been struggling and fighting for the past year to do just the opposite. And now they can celebrate!! Boyce Avenue is once again an independent artist, producing their music videos, albums, and tours via their Independent Label, 3 Peace Records.

THIS is why I love Boyce Avenue....they have not allowed themselves to be shaped and changed to fit into the industry. They have stayed 100% true to who they are and what they want to represent, and they have kept their fans at the forefront of everything they do. Tonight, Alejandro had this to say to the fans:

The music industry is a CRAZY thing. I won't ever have time to explain to you all what you deserve to know because you support us almost blindly and have questions like we did and still do, but let me just say that we make the best of everything we can ever get our hands on. We started from zero and have clawed our way to be the small band that we are today. We have a LOT more clawing to do but my goodness, if you all knew some of the things that go down in this industry you would be astonished. That's not even a proper word to describe how gross it is haha.

All I can say is we are blessed and you all are amazing! Maybe someday we will write a book for everyone to know what TRULY went down with our story. Someday it will ALL make sense and you and so many others will be like "WOW! So THAT'S why they did what they did for the first 10 years of their career!" Just be patient with us. It has always been a 10-year plan, not a 2-year plan. We are only 4 years in, we have 6 more to go before it all makes PERFECT sense. Stick around to find out. :)

Love you all!


  1. I have been listening to all your songs right from the beginning and you guys are such a Joy! Love from India :)

  2. keep up the good work guys!!!! Love from Malaysia.

  3. How cute! So we in Brazil have to be patient! Success! Good luck! And continue with your music! Kisses!



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